
(Video) Meten a la chorpa a un hombre por dejar tirada una perrita en la calle

El animal solo pasó un mes en refugio y fue adoptada por un hombre y su familia


George Spears, un cruel hombre que dejó una perrita botada en la calle y quedó grabado en una cámara de seguridad, se entregó a la policía de Dallas, Texas luego de que le levantaran cargos en su contra y existiera una orden de captura por dejar el animal tirado en la calle.

Al susodicho se le acusa de crueldad animal y el fatal acto quedó grabado en una cámara de seguridad vial, donde se puede observar al hombre estacior el auto y dejar al perrito en la orilla de la vía.

El clip fue compartido en Facebook y gracias a los más de 741 reproducciones se pudo identificar al hombre de 52 años.

Spears quiso excusarse del acto acusando y alegando que su hermana, dueña de la mascota, no sabía cómo controlar al animal.

La canina de dos años de edad pasó dos días por las calles, sin comida y agua hasta que fue rescatada por el servicio de bienestar animal.

BREAKING: On Monday, September 11, 2017, Gorge Spears turned himself in to authorities after an arrest warrant was issued by the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office and the SPCA of Texas earlier the same day on a charge of cruelty to animals, a Class A misdemeanor, for abandoning a one-year-old female mixed breed dog near Teagarden Rd. at Dowdy Ferry Rd. in southern Dallas. Criminal charges have been filed against Mr. Spears. The crime was recorded by the cameras the Dallas Marshal’s Office installed in the area. This is the first time these cameras have captured an incident of alleged animal cruelty that has led to an arrest, and it marks the beginning of a close partnership between the SPCA of Texas and the Dallas Marshall’s Office in ongoing efforts to crack down on animal cruelty in the Dowdy Ferry and surrounding areas. The dog, later named Claira-Belle, was found by witnesses on August 5th and picked up by Dallas Animal Services in the early morning hours of August 6th. The SPCA of Texas received information regarding the case on August 18th and then began the investigation. Claira-Belle was transferred to the SPCA of Texas on August 22nd, and cared for before being adopted on September 9th. During the course of the investigation, the SPCA of Texas spoke with Gorge Spears, who on September 8th admitted that he dumped the dog, saying that he was trying to help his sister by getting rid of the dog because his sister was unable to control her. This admission led the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office’s and SPCA of Texas’ Animal Cruelty Investigator to file the arrest warrant.

Posted by SPCA of Texas on Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Francesca Chinchilla

Francesca Chinchilla

Bachiller en periodismo de la Universidad Latina.

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